Brendan Frazier

Financial Planner

OFFICE: Memphis
12 Cadillac Drive Ste 440
Brentwood, TN 37027
(615) 309-6320

Direct: (615) 309-6320

As a parent running businesses, I’m passionate about helping other time-starved parents running businesses.

But not just any parents running businesses.

Those who wake up every day and listen to podcasts, read books and join mastermind groups determined to be the best spouse, parent and business owner.

Those who want their business or businesses to be wildly successful and fund a life where they get to do what they want, when they want, with the people they love the most.

And, most importantly, those who realize that the key to achieving their vision is how they allocate their two most important resources: money and time.

Those who are seeing their time capacity decrease with every increase in revenue.

Those who finally have enough money that they need to know what to do with it. But they keep saying they’ll “get to it eventually” while impairing their future growth trajectory.

Making more money is great. But the reality is that making money and deploying it are two different things. And your success as a spouse, parent and business owner relies more on how you deploy it.

We show you how to deploy your revenue so that it grows in alignment with your family vision and protects your family against any threats to that vision.

In that process, not only do we design a roadmap for your money, we allow you to invest your time where you have the highest return: in your family and your business.

As for me, like I mentioned, I’m a fellow parent and spouse running businesses. I met my wife Shannon while we were at Belmont together. And I somehow convinced her to marry me before she could realize the mistake she was making! And, we have two little boys, Brooks and Shepherd.

We fully believe that real wealth has nothing to do with dollar signs and numbers.

It’s the ability to do what we want, when we want, with the people we love most.

And, that realization has forever changed the way I go about life to the point that I want to help other parents running businesses:

1.Understand this concept for themselves

2. Show them how to bring it to fruition in their families

When I’m not hanging out with the boys or Shannon, you’ll most likely find me listening to a podcast, reading a book, eating tacos or watching my favorite sports teams (Sooners, Cardinals, Predators and Titans for those who wanted to know!).


Belmont University, Business Administration - Marketing



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